Monday, July 31, 2017

Randomized apertures: high resolution imaging in far field

Using Glitter as a way to replace large structure mirrors for space telescopes: This is what is suggested and measured here. The random PSF allows for sharper resolution (and Machine Learning is used).This is another instance of the Great Convergence, woohoo ! ( and by the way, are we going to ever acknowledge that the Random Lens Imaging paper is one of the greatest preprint that did not make it into publication, ever ?)

We explore opportunities afforded by an extremely large telescope design comprised of ill-figured randomly varying subapertures. The veracity of this approach is demonstrated with a laboratory scaled system whereby we reconstruct a white light binary point source separated by 2.5 times the diffraction limit. With an inherently unknown varying random point spread function, the measured speckle images require a restoration framework that combine support vector machine based lucky imaging and non-negative matrix factorization based multiframe blind deconvolution. To further validate the approach, we model the experimental system to explore sub-diffraction-limited performance, and an object comprised of multiple point sources.

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